Show Archive: Sultan Bathery, Foos, and Snowshoe Thompson

Show Archive: Sultan Bathery, Foos, and Snowshoe Thompson

For “Show Archive”, we ask community showgoers to share their most memorable Holland show experience. Here is one from Delana Pennington, a longtime showgoer and “big fan” if you will. Thank you, Delana!

“In the heat of August of 2014, as a last hurrah before my first semester at UNR and Tom’s senior year of high school, we went to Holland to see Sultan Bathery, which neither of us had ever heard of. ⁠I recall that the band ran into technical issues and talked to each other in Italian. I did my best to translate for Tom, even though I speak Spanish and not Italian. They resolved the issue, I believe had something to do with the electrical setup and went on to play an awesome show. Tom and I jumped around and danced and got sweaty, and then after the show I bought a shirt and a CD which they all very graciously signed.⁠

At the time I carried around a stale pack of American Spirit cigarettes I had swiped from my mom, who had told me one of the best ways to get in with the band was to always have smokes and a lighter (Thanks, Mom!). We ended up in the courtyard, where the band bummed stale smokes off me (much to the amazement of Tom; I was 16 at the time and did not smoke). The drummer asked me what people did here and I said “Gambling, mostly.” He didn’t know the English word and I didn’t know the Spanish word, and I definitely did not know the Italian word (it’s giocare d’azzarado, if you were wondering), so I mimed playing with a slot machine and said ‘Tarjetas’ (the Spanish word for cards). He sort of got it, I think, and laughed. We got a picture, where three out of the four band members after chatting the night away.⁠

I wore the shirt I bought for my first day of school, I was pretty positive I was the coolest freshman ever (I was not, partially because I was 16 and partially because I just wasn’t). But thanks to the Holland project and the series of shows I’ve seen since then, I’m slowly but surely inching closer to being as cool as I thought I was in August of 2014.” – Delana