Category: Music
Interview with SCREAM CLUB!!!
Sarah Adorable and Cindy Wonderful of SCREAM CLUB!!! Kicking off their nationwide tour at Olympia’s Queerfest 2008!!Scream club encourages Double Dutch during their set!!! Scream Club is an Electro Dance […]
Showcase Time!
Holland kids are hosting a monthly local music showcase–and the first one is right around the corner! Awesome bands: Yavin 4, Sea Legs, Rebel Diamonds and Missing Organs are lined […]
Yes, I am a Tornado Chaser
Here’s a Tornado approved all ages show descending like the Huns on Reno this week. If you haven’t heard them yet, do yourself a good one and check out Mahjongg. […]
Yes, I am a Tornado Chaser
Over the past few weeks, I have really gotten into Eric B. & Rakim. I was trying to convince Mike the other day that Eric B. & Rakim were like […]
Kiss Kiss Photos!
Yudai took some awesome pix of last night’s event at the NMA. Check them out here: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!
Endorsing Musicians on One Super Tuesday 2008
The UK’s Guardian has this article this morning:Who Are American Musicians Supporting on Super Tuesday? Check it out.. REPUBLICANSMike Huckabee: Ted Nugent John McCain: Burt Bacharach Ron Paul: Arlo Guthrie […]
Yes, I am a Tornado Chaser
My Top 10 20 Albums of 2007 I know it’s been a long time coming, but here they are, the records that I felt killed it last year. As an […]
Yes, I am a Tornado Chaser
This is huge… The one and only LIARS descend on Reno Saturday, January 26 at The Underground (555 E. 4th St. #B.) Joining them will be Los Angeles band No […]