A whole heap ‘o happening all-ages shows are coming down the pipe. Get stoked!
TONIGHT, APRIL 12 @ HOLLAND!The Appleseed Cast have gained a huge and deserved following as one of the most sincere and forward-thinking bands to come out of the “emo†scene of the mid-90s. While they once exemplified what was considered “emoâ€, that term has since become a catch-all for heart-on-your-sleeve lyrics and mildly distorted guitars. Don’t expect to find that with The Appleseed Cast. There are no whining vocals or trend-setting accoutrements here: The Appleseed Cast have based there sound on expansive, textured guitarscapes and driving, persistent rhythms. I also just found out that support group The Life and Times features former Shiner member Allen Epley. Epically bad-ass is right. The show starts at 7 PM SHARP!
Friday, April 13 @ Stoney’s
This Calendar Year, Crushed by Jefferson, and All Day Drive play the Collegiate Nationals Reno-Tahoe Music Festival. I’m not sure if that is a legitimate organization or not, but good vibes and pop sounds are guaranteed to be in full abundance. Tickets are $7 in advance or $10 at the door.
Saturday, April 14 @ The House on the Hill
Reno’s Humaniterrorist Records (of which I am a co-owner) celebrates it’s 8th release with Humaniterrorist bands Short Hair, Think In French, and Words. It’s the release party for HTR 008, THINK IN FRENCH/WORDS SPLIT 7â€! And the show is FREE! Now you are completely out of excuses.
Monday, April 16 @ The House on the HillThe Pharmacy, My Flag is on Fire, Buster Blue, and Blunder-
busst (formerly Jen Scaffidi and the Customer Service) get down on the hill. Don’t expect the face-melters, though. This show will range from folky niceness to dancey pop niceness. I personally guarantee you will smile 95% of the time. They will be taking donations for the touring band so don’t be stingy.
Wednesday, April 19 @ Fort Ryland
Landmine Marathon descends on the Biggest Little City with an epic assault of female-fronted metal. They will be joined by Enemies Within, What’s Worse, and Witch-Lord. Plenty of fast hardcore and a bong-load of sludgy metal? I can think of worse ways to spend a Wednesday night. They will be taking donations for the touring band so again, don’t be stingy.
Thursday, April 19 @ The Nevada Art MuseumThe Andy Warhol Exhibit gets a serious shot of Plastic Exploding Fantastic Food Magorium Mania or whatever they used to call those New York art/music parties. The Frontmen, Schizopolitans, and Think In French all test the structural integrity of the Nevada Art Museum while wrecking shop on some Velvet Underground songs. It will cost you $5 to get through the door, but that is only a fraction of the joy you will experience. Not to be missed.
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