West of East and South of North

Hey all! I s’pose this is the my induction into the Holland hall of bloggers; I guess you could say. I haven’t prepared a lengthy, unwanted thank you speech, or anything, to spare you all the pain. But to start things off I am going to assume that everybody reading this enjoys to travel. You know, seeing the world, the country, maybe even some part of Reno or Nevada that you havent seen yet. You don’t have to go to the other side of the world to find a new experience or meet someone new–to be honest, even then its a gamble;its a small world, despite what they say–in fact all you have to do is have a sembelence of interest in trying new things. Hmmmm, Enough of this motivational explore the world poppycock speech, lets get down to buisiness.
I recently found myself in peru and I have to say that I saw some of the coolest things I have ever seen before, but at the same time I saw some of the saddest things I have ever seen. From children working to make the smallest cent to feed themselves, to wandering families clutching to pasts steeped in rich culture, tradition, and simplicity, and even Coach purse toting teenagers that seemed confined to malls, credit cards, and apartment suites. The contrasts where stark, the contrasts where striking. This Country–Peru–is vast and not merely in a geographic sense. Ecologically Peru has about 84 of the 103 existing ecosystems in the world and even 28 of the 32 Climates on the planet.
After hiking over 15,000 foot mountain passes in the Andes and exploring the Colca Canyon (at least as large and grand as the Grand canyon if not bigger), generally being amazed and breathtaken with the photogenic landscapes that were everywhere, we ventured into the cities of cusco, arequiepa, and briefly Lima. Just as diverse as the landscapes these cities all held their own quirks and unique characters that seemed to stem from the same rich culture that seems prevalent in all of South America. I could write for hours about this country and maybe next week I will fill you all in with a few more stories of my Peruvian travels, but for now I will leave you with a few pictures to mull over. if i could figure out how, but next week for sure.
-till next week


One response to “West of East and South of North”

  1. yay! welcome west of east and south of north! i’m really excited about this blog–and can’t wait to get some juicy details about adventures both near and far.

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