Titus Andronicus+Mark Van Norris & the Encounters+Crush

Everyone, this is a big one! On April 12th Titus Andronicus will be bringing their spin of fuzzed out Rock and Roll to The Holland Show Space! And joining them is Reno Rock and Rollers Mark Van Norris & the Encounters and young 90’s worshippers Crush. Don’t miss these indie legends in the making! INFO: Tuesday, April 12th at the Holland Show Space (at Rainshadow) doors 7:30 $5adv $7 at the door.

TIckets are available at Bibo 1, Bibo 3, Freeman’s Hot Dogs, and The Great Basin Food Coop.

Tickets available online at hollandreno.org/buytickets

Titus Andronicus

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/2904194″]