The Young, Seas & Centuries, Southpaw Stranger

Austin’s The Young are playing at Holland on July 13th (Friday the 13th to be exact). It’s been said that Big Star, Neil Young, and “even the irresistible boogie of early ZZ Top” are the clearest forebears to The Young’s sound. They’ve impressed a whole slew of people with their awesome live show mixing a bit of southern rock twang with real punk rock roots and we’re super excited to see them rock here. Adding to the joy and merriment are Seas & Centuries and Southpaw Stranger. The Young are a perfect fit for their new label, Matador (you know, Pavement and Sonic Youth’s record label). It’s going to be fantastical! Friday, July 13th at 8:30PM. $5 adv / $7 at the door