To make a good base to start from, I’ve been bringing authors into The Territory that I have been into for at least a decade or more. This time I’d like to bring out someone that I’ve only recently started reading and am quite taken with. After I got through his first book I did everything in my power to read everything of his. One book was missing though and LO AND BEHOLD I find it on tour in a very impressive used bookstore in Walla Walla called Endlights. His name is Max Frisch and the book I want to talk about is called Man In The Holoscene. MITH is about a guy on an island who is obsessed with knowledge and collects bits of paper out of magazines and parts of books and reads all the time. One gets the notion that he is lonely though it is never stated. Basically it is told that there is going to be a landslide that will take out the little village he lives in. He worries about what will happen to his collections and that naturally leads him to ponder the meaning of knowledge and how if its predicated on not being in front of a landslide than it’s obviously not as permanent as he had originally thought. Eventually this leads him to a few crazy conclusions and an ending that one should read a lot into. At no point in this book does Keanu Reeves burst in guns a blazing. Nor is there techno music. It’s about a hundred sixty page journey into the mind of an obsessed person who’s life is taking a one eighty degree turn. I’m excited to read “I’m not Stiller” which waits in line for the one I’m reading now and I cant wait to get to it.
The Territory
“The pipe? I take all my pictures with it. Women flock to it’s irresistible power. Before it I had a hard time even getting a date. Damn. I remember there was this one time I was out with Marilyn and she wouldn’t have anything to do with me and now that I got my pipe on, every time my cell rings it’s her wanting to talk. Crazy world, huh?”
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