The Rainshadow Community Charter High School Blawg Week #9.5 Record Swap Meet this Saturday!

As if you didn’t have enough to do this Saturday in preparing to have your faces melted at the SPACE 4 SPACE Fundraiser, here comes the first annual Rainshadow Community Charter High School Record and CD Swap! Join us this Saturday March 24th from 1-3pm at Rainshadow CCHS (just a hop, skip and jump away from the Holland Project at 434 Washington Street!) for our first ever record swap meet!


What’s a record swap meet?

you ask… Well, its a place where you can bring your vinyl, CDs, cassettes, etc. and buy, sell, trade with others who bring their stuff down.

Every form of music is welcome! All forms of hip hop, hardcore, punk, indie, oldies, anything is welcome! This is a record swap for ALL music lovers!

WHO: You and your friends, and all music lovers in the community!

WHAT: Rainshadow’s first annual record swap meet!

WHEN: This Saturday, March 24th from 1-3pm

WHERE: Rainshadow Community Charter High School (434 Washington Street, in between 4th and 5th street, right across from the Gold Dust West).

WHY: To trade some tunes, make some friends, and have FUN!



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