Come give a proper send off to Swahili before they hightail it Portland to begin their new northwesty lives. This is your last chance to catch Swahili in Reno ever (!) (at least as Renoites), so mark thee calendar now.
With them is LA five-piece Pocahaunted. This blurb from a recent interview has us excited: “Most of Pocahaunted’s music has been in the murkier, ambient sort of school of primitive experimentalism, but Island Diamonds is all druggy tribal rhythms and hypnotic dub jams, drenched in a grimey sort of reverb that smacks of the desert in a major Alejandro Jodorowsky kind of way. They’re El Topo on the streets of California, but they’re hard to pin down, extremely prolific, and always trying something new.” Sounds like we’re in for a treat. Also joining the party are Bay Area solo act Psychic Reality and local duo Zirconian Mind…Holland Show Space at Rainshadow, 7PM on April 2.