Sound and Fury: DIY Hardcore Punk, Radical Politics, and Grassroots Activism.

Mark your calenders now!!!

Its a…

SOULAR Solstice Block Party!

Saturday December 22nd 10am-3pm
On Wonder St. between Wells & Wheeler!
Near the Great Basin Community Food Cooperative and Sound and Fury Records!

Sponsored by The Great Basin Community Food Cooperative, Sound and Fury Records, REAL (Responsibility, Earth, Art, Learning), The Holland Project, The Alternative Vehicles Club, “Peace, Poetry, and Music,” Stage Left Theatrics, and The Reno Bike Project.

Solar Cook-off! – Solar ovens cooking up hot chocolate, warm soy milk, and veggie dogs! Solar baked cookies!

Open mic with live music, solstice tunes, spoken word, poetry, event bulletins, “Peace, Poetry and Music” showcase, Stage Left Theatre, etc.

Soular Parade – soulstice costumes, bikes, skateboards, electric vehicles, scooters and motorbikes, possibly snowboards and skiing depending on the weather!

Bicycle maintenance – free classes and tools available from the Reno Bike Project!

Live art – Holland art auction and fundraiser! Bring down your art to sell!

Winter gardening workshops! See the hoophouse, composting, growing food year-round in Reno!

Sidewalk sale – artisans, crafters, bake sale, get in touch if you want to set up an outreach table. Energy saving light bulbs and the Climate Change Café!

To get involved, contact Joe:


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