Shhhh…It’s the News!



It’s a great time for voters around the U.S. This week voter’s sent messages that basically modified America’s Culture Wars and dismayed religious right. South Dakota grouped together and defended the woman’s right to choice. While Missouri took a stand for stem-cell research and Arizona rejected a ban on same-sex marriage, in an exciting and surprising national first! While many leaders were clearly setback and a bit jolted by the unexpected results, Gay-rights and Women’s rights activists celebrated. as did the millions of Americans who made it extremely clear that this war in Iraq needs an alternative plan, and needs to be wrapped up. It’s a really interesting time right now, with many of these controversial issues taking unexpected and exciting turns for the better. These victories bring comfort in knowing that perhaps it’s the end, or the coming to an end, of divisive, gay-bashing, religious wars in politics, at least it’s nice to think so.


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