Shhh…It’s the News!



Hello everybody, Happy New Year!!! Since it is the first Wednesday of 2007 I thought I would write about 2006. What happened, who we lost, what we gained, etc. As I look back and research the past year, I am amazed, like every year, as to how much can actually happen in 365 days. I am realizing now more than ever how crazy fast a day, month, even a year passes. So here is a tiny look at 2006!

A Few Inventions Worth Noting:

YouTube –Started small, well not really, now airs 100 million videos and adds almost a hundred million users every single day! Hmmm- The Hydrogen Bomber is No. 2. Although I haven’t heard much yet about this neat invention, I’m sure 2007 will bring the needed info. Shanghai-based Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies began to design and market the H-racer. It is a 6-in.-long toy car that runs on hydrogen extracted from tap water using the solar-powered Hydrogen Station, below, and can travel more than 300 ft. in a solo fill-up. Sounds excellent, can’t wait until 2007 brings a not-so-mini version of this vehicle to reality.

Okay so the next several are transportation inventions, all really neat, but I want to jump ahead to Robobike– Yikes! He has a scary name for sure, but this little 11 pound robot is the only robot ever made that can….ride a bike! This robot can ride upright, balance and avoid collisions-interesting, yes? But I’m not sure yet why this is important. For now I’d like humans being the only ones riding bikes, but we will see what 2007 has in store for Robobike.

Listen up! Loc8or in the house!! That’s really how it’s spelled. Anyhow this device helps those of us that misplace things all the time. I know that every single morning I’m going to spend at least 15 minutes looking for my keys- so knowing this; the Loc8tor comes in especially handy for people like me. This device is attached to easily lost possessions, and will point you in the right direction within an inch or two of your lost possession. Delight! Disappointingly the loc8tor can’t locate itself, so if you lose that than, yikes! Perhaps 2007 will bring the Loc8tor, Loc8tor.

After shining light on some of the big inventions of 2006 I feel a bit tired, and have become especially short on words due to the Loc8tor. But in order to fully capture 2006, please check out the following Website;

After looking at this website, I am sure that I couldn’t possibly do 2006 justice- it goes month by month, event by event, everything by everything. If anyone has anything to share about 2006- please post! I like stories. I like memories. I like/ed 2006!


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