Often, on clean, sterile walls in contemporary galleries, countless works sit under track lighting among hallowed halls of well-respected and well-meaning institutions, not to be touched by the public. Conversely, fliers are made by tens and hundreds, distributed en masse to end up slouched and torn on street poles well after their expiration dates, trampled on car floors and washed in jean pockets. Let’s bridge this gap?
WHAT: Paper-Thin: A poster art show!
WHY: To display a collection of show fliers most of which have been created by local artists, or have taken place in Reno – all provided by local musicians and show-goers. For kicks, for gasps, for sighs, for snaps.
WHEN: Thursday, January 8, 2009. 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Holland Headquarters, 30 Cheney Street.
WHO: You! And me. As far as artists that have drawn some of the fliers: Joshua Dean Hageman, Clint Neuerburg, Mark Norris, Joshua Vineyard, Omar Pierce, Aubrey Nora Marie, Joshua Hardy, Louis Gezelin, and more.
This show will be a great chance to see the sampling of wonderful art that’s peeked out from the numerous concert fliers that have made their rounds in these parts. Note that afterwards, stay for a treat of a show with acoustic sets from Josh and Mark (who are showing some fliers) and a woman from Portugal – under the pseudonym Can’t Sing for Shit – and Maribelle! Maybe spiced cider? Maybe cookies? Definitely fun.
Granted, there’s fair share of ransom-note propaganda at the ready to simply get the point across for shows, on which bandnames+date+time+location+clipart=done. There’ll be those, too. For nostalgia’s sake.
And for those of you that are concert poster enthusiasts, let it be duly noted that these days, there’s a veritable scene of screenprinters and graphic designers that make concert postering a legit art form worthy of high-art distinction. Check out some more information:
American Poster Institutute : A non-profit that promotes poster art (funny, considering the poster art is supposed to be the promotion?) – and also puts on Flatstock, a poster art convention hosted at SXSW.
Hung Up: The State of Rock Poster Art: An article divulging the craft and some history, current affairs.
GigPosters.com: a database of posters and artists, complete with a classified section to purchase prints.
And when you’re done looking at those, make your own!
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