Opportunity for Writers!

Hey young writers, check this out:

The Reno News and Review’s “Teen Issue” is coming up on April 5, and they are looking for “any aspiring, opinionated young writers (ages 13-18) who would want to contribute an editorial.” They tell us that you can write about anything you feel is important to the teen community–politics, school, music, art, whatever. Take this on all those who apply! Show Reno what’s up.

Deadline: March 28th
Length: 485 words
Pay: $50 (the same amount they pay their other writers!).

Also, they’ll take your picture.

If you’re down, send submissions to the lovely Kat Kerlin at katk@newsreview.com.


One response to “Opportunity for Writers!”

  1. Makin' Moonshine Avatar
    Makin’ Moonshine

    This sounds great…I’ll pass it along to the moonshiners. Thanks!

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