In a new series, we’ll be hearing from a different person every month, reflecting on Reno music projects, current or not so current, and what makes them special and personally important to them.

“First time I heard Pissmixer I didn’t know what I was in for, and I was absolutely blown away. It must have been around 2011 or 2012, it was a small all local matinee show at Ryan’s Saloon and I think they were the first to come on that day. They immediately grabbed my attention and I was hooked. Crushing riffs, sweet grooves, blast beats and jacks wrenching vocals mold together to create this vicious sound you can’t help to bang your head to. I didn’t stop talking about their set that night for the rest of that week, and to this day I love bringing up that fact that was one of my favorite local sets I’ve ever seen, and that Pissmixer is my favorite Reno band. It really is rare moment when a band can take you by surprise like that, but I think Pissmixer has that effect on everyone who see them.
I try to make it out every time they play and you should too.”
You can listen to Pissmixer HERE
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