In the Land of Drunks & Brothels
March 13 – April 13, 2024
Solo Exhibition by Kara Savant
Several years ago, I created my first landscape by inlaying red felt into routered plywood mimicking a cigarette carton and using the logo as a stand-in for the horizon line of the Ruby Mountains–a view I woke up to every morning as a child. I jokingly titled it, Pa went out for a pack of smokes, and with that joke began a continuous exploration of unconventional landscapes using familiar visual language, simplified material, and playful observations.
The Land of Drunks and Brothels stems from my Western Landscape series. However, instead of relying heavily on the narrative I tend to employ through titles, I wanted to focus primarily on the formal elements that inspire me. I am heavily influenced by our diminishing neon surroundings, the cowboy culture too many of us play voyeur to, and all the other unique qualities that make Nevada, Nevada. I wanted to create pieces that honed in on the small moments in design that provide both visual pleasure and a feeling reminiscent of home.
Now that I have concluded this work, I find it impossible not to embellish these pieces with my sarcastic commentary. I invite you to view the work as purely aesthetic but feel free to read the titles if you get bored.
Kara Savant is a fifth generation Nevadan, strongly rooted in her home state. As a child, she spent countless hours with her six siblings constructing forts out of recycled wood and hardware found out in the rural hills of Elko, Nevada. Her infatuation of creating something out of nothing later translated into her 3D art practice where she now spends her time using found objects and various building materials to construct works of art that speak to the home, gender roles, and everything in between. Like many Nevadan artists, Kara is inspired by her surroundings that have translated into her current body of work consisting of unconventional landscapes. Kara resides in Reno, Nevada, with her wife, cat, and pup.
Very special thanks to my in-laws for providing me with tools needed to complete this exhibition and to UNR for continued contribution of resources. Most importantly, thank you to my wife for her endless support and collaborative input. Art is not possible without community.
More images on Flickr.
Press: Double Scoop NV, “Nevada nostalgia: Kara Savant’s solo show at the Holland Project uses minimalism as a springboard to investigate topics close to home.”