HP Community Pick is a semi-regular blog series where community members have the chance to highlight a show they’re stoked about. This pick is brought to you by Alana Berglund (HP Associate Director) on the band Iron Lung who performed on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 with Brain Tourniquet and locals Rotary Club, ICUP, and Uncalled For. Read all about it below!
I’ve only seen Iron Lung IRL once, and maybe it’s the Reno in me, but I think it might be the best band to do it. When I saw them, we were at Homesick Fest in Petaluma at an amazing all-ages venue, The Phoenix Theater, and not sure what came over me, but I was I was hooked. Something about the kids losing their minds in 30-second spurts and the way Jensen kinda terrified me a bit too (he wasn’t drumming that show, but closer to all of us). A perfect band. I trust them completely that they crafted an exceptional line-up for the HP show: Iron Lung, Brain Tourniquet from DC, alongside Reno’s Rotary Club, ICUP, and Uncalled For. Uncalled For is one of my new favorite local bands too. I don’t know what the genre it is or even if they have any music officially out yet, but it’s FUN and that’s what I care about. And, of course, RC and ICUP are the buds I love. It will take an extreme act of weather, god, or illness to make me miss this show! June 14th, baby.
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