Excitement Builds for 4x4x48 2017

Next week, The Holland Project will be holding their annual music video and filmmaking challenge, 4x4x48 at the Nevada Museum of Art on November 16, 2027 at 6pm. I sat down with two filmmakers, Fil Corbitt, a local jack of all trades, and Alina Vergunova, a local student, to talk with them about the upcoming event.

Interview w/ Fil Corbitt

ANA: Who are you?

FIL: I am Fil Corbitt, of the band People With Bodies.

A: What is 4x4x48?

F: 4x4x48 is an event, I guess, a project that Holland puts on every year, where four filmmakers and four bands match up to make four music videos in 48 hours. Yeah, this is my first time taking part in it, too, so I’m really excited.

A: So, you’ve made music videos before for your band and for other bands, so, what’s different with this medium of music video making compared to regular filmmaking?

F: That’s a really good question. I think one of the most noticeable differences is that there is, a time restriction — that your film has to perfectly match the length of the song. Or, if it hangs off after it or if it cuts before it or something it just doesn’t feel right.

A: And why is this event specifically different from making music videos normally?

F: Also just timing, simply because you only have 48 hours to make an entire music video. You have to come up with it, and shoot it, and edit it in such a short amount of time that — I don’t know, usually the videos that come out of it have this really cool frantic energy.

A: What aspect of it do you think you’re most excited for?

F: That’s a good question. I think I’m really excited for the first…like, two hours of it, where we get the song and the pieces that we have to include in it, because that’s another thing that I didn’t mention: they give you a small list of items or locations that have to show up somewhere in the films. So, I’m really excited for the brainstorming part of coming up with what visuals and what vibe would fit the song.

Interview w/ Alina Vergunova

ANA M: Who are you?

ALINA V: I’m Alina. I moved to Reno a year ago. I’m a student at UNR right now, I’m doing my master’s degree in neuroscience. So, I am a scientist!

AM: What is 4x4x48?

AV: This is an event which happens every year in Reno. It’s a challenge from the Holland Project, when they match local bands and local filmmakers and give those pairs 48 hours to make a music video from the beginning to the end. So, it’s a very exciting event! That’s what it is.

AM: I know you’ve done some film work before, but have you ever made a music video?

AV: Yeah! Now I am a volunteer at the Holland Project, so sometimes I make small music videos for the bands who are performing at the Holland Project. That’s all the experience that I’ve got — all of my experience has come from the Holland Project.

AM: How long does that usually take from the very beginning to the very end?

AV: Well, for a short video, which is about three minutes, I usually spend five, six hours editing. Because sometimes it just reaches the point where I don’t like anything at all, and I want to start from the beginning. For three minutes, it’s six hours.

AM: What is going to be the most challenging thing about 4x4x48?

AV: So probably the most challenging thing for me will be making the final choice of the idea that we’re going to do, because if it’s a music video you can do anything that you want! And sometimes you just can’t do everything that you want, so the most difficult part will be to choose the idea, and make it good for the band. I want the band to actually like it. That’s going to be the most difficult part for me.

AV: Hope you will be there!

by Ana McKay (adapted from audio segments aired on KWNK 97.7FM)


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