Critical Response to the Panel from Bathed in Sunshine, Covered in Dust

Before anything I want to say I have the utmost respect for everyone in this show and those that organized it. This collection of work shows how strong Reno art is. I felt that the panel asked for more critique of the work and here is my response:

The worst city I visited on my cross-country bike tour was Philadelphia because everyone there wanted to prove that they were just as good as New York. The best part about Philadelphia is that it is not New York, it is Philadelphia. What made me the most sad during the panel discussion was that everyone explained why Reno is not other places. This was a terrible way to advertise contemporary art in Reno. The power and potential of Reno are what can be here, if you want what is somewhere else then go and get it. Do not complain about it, plan about what to change. Tell me, the audience of artwork, how to ‘critique’ you better. This discussion, in my eyes, only alienated the audience, forcing the fresh eyes that were there to ask about other types of art, and express gratitude to the artists on the panel. There was one woman who sort of thanked everyone for being passionate and making art, she tried to change the tone of the conversation. I think she wanted to ask why artists don’t want to stay, and I think that someone should have told her that artists want to make money selling art. Instead the conversation stayed buried in art-speak, the ever-ambiguous lack of critique. Be direct and honest or else you alienate your audience by speaking in a manner that only seems smart to those that know the language.



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