Coffee Break: Design, Art, &c.

This round is dedicated to illustrators/drawers/doodlers and may be viewed as a “wish list” of sorts for my upcoming birthday!

That’s right… shop smart, shop S-Mart.

GLEN BAXTER: Imagine Gary Larson, minus the science background, plus the arts and the absurd. So funny it hurts —

SIMON EVANS: Snarky little ex-skater making doodles. Saw his work at SFMOMA in 2004 and have been trying to follow him since then. Unfortunately there’s no great online representation of his work, but you can poke around his SF gallery’s website — /

HEKTOR: Because we’ll all be obsolete one day —

Look for an update from the Holland After Hours Crew next time around… complete with pictures.


2 responses to “Coffee Break: Design, Art, &c.”

  1. Ha! I love the first one up there…totally my brand of humor. I thought for a while there you weren’t going to do a post. I always look forward to the random stuff you put up here so…keep it comin’. It saves me from having to search the internet.

  2. Uh oh, I wonder what sort of shenanigans ensue when the After Hours Crew take over. I’m a little nervous.

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