The Holland Project’s Billboard Gallery showcases the work of exceptional emerging and established regional artists on billboards throughout Reno’s surface streets. Three new artists are installed every four weeks starting in 2022. In collaboration with Nevada Humanities and in celebration of the Nevada Literary Crawl, we teamed up with three artists who utilize poetry and text in their work for September including Aurelio, Felicia Perez, and Jared Stanley.
Location #1: Wells Avenue (above Magpie Coffee Roasters)

In collaboration with: Aurelio
Website | Instagram
Bio: Aurelio is a self-published author and photographer currently based in Reno, Nevada. He graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelor’s in English and now runs a self-titled digital magazine whose main focus is to share stories through the art of photography. While also aiming to help others see the beauty within themselves.
Statement: At a glance, this piece is a story of loss. An image of ash. But at its core, it is a tale of acceptance. How on a summer night, with nowhere to run, I held all my ghosts and found the courage to let go. How I had finally let myself mourn every person I had lost. And although I am left with nothing but the pieces of what we were, I know that for a moment it was beautiful. That grief is all I had left to love them.
Location #2: 4th St. & Valley Rd.

In collaboration with: Felicia Perez
Bio: Born and raised in Southern California, Felicia T Perez is a storyteller at heart. From being an educator, author, public speaker, and audio storytelling producer, Felicia uses stories to change larger narratives that are harmful. She most recently produced the “Health and Climate Solutions Oral Storytelling Project,” they hosted and created the “Been There, Done That: Pandemic Podcast,” and in 2020 she was a Lecturer at the University of Nevada Reno in the Gender, Race and Identity Department. Today, Felicia can be found over at TaskForce serving as their Head of Memes.
Location #3: Keystone Ave. & 2nd St.

In collaboration with: Jared Stanley
Website | Instagram
Bio: Jared Stanley is a poet and writer who often works with visual artists. His primary interest is in the intersection of lyric poetry, landscape, and the vernacular ever-shifting ground of language as it changes through migration, environment, and technology. He is the author of three collections of poetry, EARS (Nightboat, 2017), The Weeds, (Salt, 2012), and Book Made of Forest (Salt, 2009). Recent artwork has been exhibited at the Athenaeum Music and Art Library in La Jolla (with Matthew Hebert), Other Places Art Fair in San Pedro, Lilley Museum in Reno (with Sameer Farooq), Spring Break Art Fair in New York. Recent writing has appeared in Folder Magazine, Posit, and VOLT. Jared teaches poetry and creative writing in the MFA Program at the University of Nevada, Reno.