Adherical Lyrical

When I was a kid, a jealous anger would creep up on me whenever it was Mother’s day or Father’s day. I didn’t make sense how there could be a day just for those two relationships when there were so many other relationships left unappreciated…like Uncle’s Day…or more importantly for me Brother’s Day and Son Day (although I guess that last one happens at least once a week…awful I know).

Fairly selfish of me, but that was just the nature of being a kid, but somewhere in the last couple years, exactly when I’m not sure, everything flip-flopped. While I used to look forward to my birthday with a longing that was almost agony, I now hardly remember that it’s August before all of the sudden it’s my birthday. And though I still feel a little obligated on Mother’s day, I realize now that it is important to have a day that forces respect and honor for the people who deserve it but might never ask for it otherwise.

In any case, whether you feel a sense of obligation or whether you can barely keep from giving her your perfect sunday gift, be sure not to forget to acknowledge and respect the people who deserve it, regardless of the title of the day.

Eagerly Awaiting


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