In this new series we’ll be hearing from a new person each month, talking on a specific topic of their choosing – something they love, a hobby, an interest, a thread they’ve been feeling lately, or a new discovery.

Brigdon Markward on The Bachelor
“My relationship with Bachelor began with Colton’s season, so as far as the franchise goes, I’m still pretty wet behind the ears. I hate to admit the virgin football star premise was what piqued my interest, but can you blame me? That season introduced me to a wide world of love, heartbreak, and other assorted emotional turmoil; hosted by Chris Harrison. Colton jumped that fence, and since then I’ve been hooked.
While my heart belongs to Paradise (where all the fan favorites, and controversial characters from previous seasons get dropped on an island together), I can appreciate all the iterations of the show for what they are. I appreciate getting to know the contestants, and their drama. I think there’s something about getting invested in other people’s problems without having any stake of your own that reels me in. More importantly, I think the shows are best enjoyed without thinking about it too hard.
The postponement of this years season of Bachelorette in early March due to COVID concerns, no big surprise there. However, Clare (The Bachelorette) deciding to leave the season early after falling for one of the contestants just a few days into filming was a twist I wasn’t expecting. The drama! I was excited to hear Tayshia Adams, a personal favorite of mine, would be taking her place in the upcoming season. I think it starts airing next month, but I have no idea what to expect.
In quarantine, it hasn’t been all bad. I’ve kept myself occupied with a few shows in the same spirit. I found Labor of Love cool looking with a psychotic premise, but ultimately a little disappointing (let me know what you thought of that ending). Listen to Your Heart, while giving me all the petty conflict I could have wanted from a dating show for musicians, was maybe too chaotic for it’s own good. That being said, maybe I’ll learn to follow my own advice on this one, and stop thinking about it too hard.”

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